Explanation of SWMP Data Parameters

Water Quality Data

Water quality data are collected from at least four fixed stations within or adjacent to the Reserve and reported at 15 minute intervals (30 minute intervals prior to 2007).

Parameters and units

  • Temp:Water temperature measured in degrees Celsius (C).
  • SpCond:Specific conductivity measured in milli-Siemens per centimeter (mS/cm).
  • Sal:Salinity measured in practical salinity units (psu).
  • DO_pct:Dissolved oxygen measured in percent saturation (%).
  • DO_mgl:Dissolved oxygen concentration measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L).
  • Depth:Sonde depth measured in meters (m).
  • cDepth:Depth from a non-vented sensor corrected for changes in barometric pressure (m).
  • Level:
    Sonde depth as referenced to a known vertical datum, NAVD88, measured in meters (m). Note: vertical control is established by different means across the system, please see the metadata provided with each station’s data download for station specifics and to determine if data are suitable for your use.
  • cLevel:Level from a non-vented sensor corrected for changes in barometric pressure (m).
  • pH:pH measured in standard units.
  • Turb:
    Turbidity measured in either formazin nephelometric or nephelometric turbidity units (FNU/NTU) based on sensor, considered to be equivalent for SWMP purposes.
  • ChlFluor:Chlorophyll fluorescence measured in micrograms per Liter (ug/L)*.

*ChlFluor is an optional SWMP supported parameter

Meteorological Data

Meteorological data are collected from at least one location within or adjacent to the Reserve and reported at 15 minute intervals. Prior to 2007, hourly (array ID 60) and daily (array ID 144) average data were also reported. The average or total, depending on the parameter, data values are for the interval prior to the timestamp.

Parameters and units

  • Frequency:15 minute collection interval. Prior to 2007, frequencies for 60 (hourly) and 144 (daily) averages were also reported.
  • ATemp:Average air temperature measured in degrees Celsius (C).
  • RH:Average relative humidity measured in percent saturation (%).
  • BP:Average barometric pressure measured in millibars (mb).
  • WSpd:Average wind speed measured in meters per second (m/s).
  • MaxWSpd:Max wind speed measured in meters per second (m/s).
  • MaxWSpdT:Time of max wind speed measurement (hh:mm).
  • Wdir:
    Average direction from which the wind originates measured in degrees from true North as of April 1, 2008. Prior to April 1, 2008 wind direction was measured with no correction for magnetic declination. See Reserve metadata for exact date of shift to true North.
  • SDWDir:Wind direction standard deviation (sd).
  • TotPAR:
    Photosynthetically active radiation measured in millimoles per square meter (total flux integrated - totalized - over each 15 minute logging interval).
  • TotPrcp:Total precipitation measured in millimeters (mm).
  • CumPrcp:
    Cumulative precipitation measured in millimeters (mm) over a 24 hour period. Note that data reported at the midnight timestamp (00:00) are the sum of raw (unrounded) precipitation data from 00:00 to 23:59 of the previous day.*
  • TotSoRad:15 minute average of total solar radiation measured in watts per square meter.**

*CumPrcp is only available in data visualizations; it is not available for export
**TotSoRad is an optional SWMP supported parameter

Nutrient and Pigment Data

Nutrient and pigment data are collected from at least the four fixed water quality stations within or adjacent to the Reserve on a monthly basis.

Parameters and units*

  • PO4FOrthophosphate measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L) as P.
  • NH4FAmmonium measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L) as N.
  • NO2FNitrite measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L) as N.
  • NO3FNitrate measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L) as N.
  • NO23FNitrite + nitrate measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L) as N.
  • CHLA_NChlorophyll a measured in micrograms per Liter (ug/L).

*Numerous optional SWMP supported parameters are accepted and available in the yearly data files

Common SWMP Dataset Parameters

The unique identifier for each station composed of the three letter Reserve code, two letter station code, and data type code.
A value of P indicates that this is a primary SWMP station and will ultimately go through tertiary review by the CDMO. A value of S indicates that this is a secondary SWMP station. Secondary SWMP stations must follow all SWMP SOPs but do not go through tertiary review.
Date and time for the reading or end of the interval where a reading was taken.
A value of 0 in the historical column indicates that the data have not been through final QAQC by the CDMO. A value of 1 indicates that the data have been through final tertiary review at the CDMO and posted as the final authoritative data.
A value of 0 in the provisional plus column indicates that the data have been through the automated flagging process (primary QAQC) ONLY and have not been checked by the Reserve. A value of 1 in the provisional plus column indicates that the data have been through secondary QAQC at the Reserve using Excel macros (provided by the CDMO) to further QAQC the data.
Flag column pertaining to all data parameters, may contain QAQC codes which are defined in the metadata.
Flag column pertaining to the given parameter, may contain QAQC flags or codes which are defined in the metadata.

For more information on QAQC flags and codes, visit the SWMP QAQC page at: http://cdmo.baruch.sc.edu/data/qaqc.cfm.

Please contact cdmodata@baruch.sc.edu if you have any questions regarding the data or the QAQC process.